Saturday, July 11, 2020

Buttermilk Pancakes

Friends.  Let me give you a little tip that will change your life.  Google "raw milk near me" and see what pops up.  We have started purchasing raw, organic milk from a local dairy farmer and  So many good things are lost through homogenization and pasteurization of your dairy products and you guys, if you understood the hormones in your store-bought-non-organic-milk-off-the-shelf it would make you gag.  And meat.  The hormones in your non-organic beef is mind blowing.  Your bodies, your kids bodies, you're worth eating good food.  You can do it.  Is organic milk and beef more expensive?  Yep.  But don't ask yourself "why is organic so expensive?!"  Instead, ask yourself why hormone filled, antibiotic filled, pesticide laden, fake crap food so cheap?  If you want a good read, google Weston A. Price and read "Nourishing Traditions".  So so good.

ALL THAT TO SAY, we are buying raw milk now which comes with all of the amazing, better than gold, CREAM!  Oh my word.  You will hear angels singing when you put that in your coffee first thing in the morning.  But did you know...if you take that cream, put it in a big mixing bowl, and beat the tar out of it for a while, it turns into the most amazing, nutritious butter in the world.  The color alone is incredible.  It's this super vibrant yellow because of all of the beta carotene.  Grass-fed cows store the yellow pigment (beta carotene) naturally found in those plants in their fat and the cream in their milk is very fatty (and this fat is NOT a bad thing).  So when you make the butter, the beta carotene stays in the butter.  The byproduct of making your own butter is buttermilk!  In order to use up all of that liquid gold, I've been making organic buttermilk pancakes on Saturday afternoons for a quick, out the door breakfast for Sunday morning.  Super easy.  SUPER delicious.

2 cups organic all-purpose flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
2 Tbsp. organic granulated sugar
2 cups buttermilk
2 large eggs
1 tsp. vanilla

Whisk everything together until you have a thin, smooth batter.  Use a 1/4 cup measuring cup to ladle the batter onto a preheated griddle or skillet.  
Cook until you see several bubbles forming on the tops of each pancake.
Flip them over and cook until golden brown.
Serve with your favorite syrups and/or fruits and for crying out loud SLATHER your amazing raw butter all over them before stuffing them in your face.  

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